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Development of Reading Skills: Representation of Letters and Words in the Brain


The purpose of this study is to investigate the brain activations associated with different word features. We are interested in individuals who are either relatively poor at reading or exceedingly good. The full study would involve two appointments at the University of Maryland, College Park. You would first have the fMRI scan appointment at the Maryland Neuroimaging Center just outside of campus, in which you would be scanned while reading words aloud. The scan itself will take about 2 hours. Then, you would come in for a 2 hour behavioral appointment at the Benjamin Building and complete activities related to reading and language knowledge. You would be compensated $75 after completing the entire study, and you will receive a picture of your brain! 

If you are interested, please fill out the prescreening form linked here.

Please complete this all in one sitting, as the survey will time out after some time. Note that while this process is starting now, due to schedule limitations, these appointments may not be scheduled very soon relative to this email, but we are excited to have you participate regardless, if you're interested! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to

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